Belize Pt. 2: Belmopan & San Ignacio

This trip to Belize was very short! Literally just a little 3 day weekend Valentine’s getaway. I stayed in Belmopan with my date at the time and had my own mini-tour around the capital of Belize: Belmopan. We went to Sleeping Giant Rainforest Lodge to go check out their hiking trail that leads up to this beautiful treehouse that overlooks the entire resort grounds. Now I’m not a hiking girl AT ALL. The entire time I lived in LA I can count on one hand how many time I actually hiked Griffith Park or Runyon Canyon, but I figured ‘when in Rome.’ The hike whooped my behind but the views were absolutely worth it. We went to a cute restaurant that was on the way back from the lodge, that I can’t remember what the name is for the life of me, but my love of ceviche was born at that restaurant. I might have to go back and ask my old date what the name of the place is LOL.

Anyways! The next day we went to San Ignacio, which is known as one of the “Twin Towns” that is adjacent to Santa Elena, the other twin town. They’re separate by a bridge where one town is in one direction and the other town is in the opposite direction. We ate at another cute restaurant that I ALSO do not remember the name of. I promise I’m gonna get better at this blogging thing. I gotta start writing down names of places, take a photo of the menu, geotagging it or SOMETHING. It was raining the entire day and we almost went back to Belmopan but decided to bar hop instead. We found the one bar playing the SuperBowl full of some Americans. SMH. But I had a drunken blast. I feel like if I’m not tipsy at least once during the trip then I didn’t really go to Belize LOL.

Here’s a mix of some amazing photos by my date and random shots on my phone:

Aspen Cierra Evans

A beauty and travel-loving photographer and UX/ UI designer.

San Juan, Puerto Rico: La Isla Verde & Old San Juan


Belizean Homecoming: A Belizean American’s First Time in Belize